Two new environmentally-friendly mobile homes are now on the market thanks to the collaboration with Club del Sole and Centro Epson Meteo. These new mobile homes not only produce electricity but also help prevent energy waste and keep tourists constantly updated on the weather conditions. A touch of originality!

How many times have you forgotten the lights on, wasted water, or used a/c even when it wasn’t so necessary? Perhaps never. That’s why our Meteo Homes are extremely innovative, environmentally-friendly, and ideal for those who love camping. CrippaConcept’s mobile homes are the result of the collaboration with Club del Sole and Centro Epson Meteo. Not only these homes are totally self-sufficient, but the good news is that they “train” guests to save energy and enjoy their holidays in the name of awareness.

Meteo Home is the result of an idea by Claudio Villa from Unitehub, as well as the collaboration with Luigi Latini, CEO of Centro Epson Meteo, and Adriano D’Andrea Ricchi, Managing Director of Club del Sole, and the technical and production support of CrippaConcept. These Meteo Homes were presented in April 2018 at the Leonardo Da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum in Milan. Meteo Home is the expression of our values, i.e. teaming up with our clients, meeting their requirements, and turning ideas into innovative projects.

Meteo Home: structure and set-up for your holidays in the name of awareness

The Meteo Home project was developed based on the customisation of the new Next Evo, a mobile home featuring spacious and bright interiors and the utmost comfort. The external walls are ventilated and their thickness range from 76 to 90 mm. The overall thermal insulation is nothing less than excellent. When it reaches its end-of-life, the mobile home can be fully and easily regenerated. In fact, every part of it can be separated and recycled. This mobile home occupies a space of 860×400 cm.

Moreover, Meteo Home is powered by 3 kw photovoltaic systems, which ensure enough energy for its class A+++ appliances and return any non-used energy to the camping system. A 5 kw battery is available in case of emergency. The touchscreen placed inside the home keeps consumption under control. It shows and updates the amount of energy produced and the reserve available. Moreover, it allows you to check the geo-localised weather forecast. The forecast provided by Centro Epson Meteo and the data of the detection stations installed in the Meteo Home provide reliable and detailed information – sunny, cloudy, rain or showers, air and water temperature, humidity, and wind strength – in real time.


Meteo Home: for your family holidays in the name of awareness

Meteo Home is equipped with a touchscreen control system, air conditioning system, induction hob, TV, and state-of-the-art accessories, and is extremely cosy thanks to the fine interiors. The two Meteo Homes at the Camping Village Marina Julia in Monfalcone can house up to 5 people, and consist of 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, and a veranda. Their colours and design are inspired by Earth and Air, respectively. They stand out for the colours and materials used. The ceiling of the Earth Meteo Home is made of natural moss, whereas the Air one is provided with small ceiling fans, which ensure unique aesthetic impact.

Images are also important. In fact, the walls of the children’s bedroom are decorated with the MeteoHeroes, irresistible human superheroes kids can easily identify with. Epson has invented these characters to educate the new generation – the so called “digital natives” – to be aware about climate and environmental issues and prepare them for future global challenges with a smile.

Therefore, our Meteo Homes help promote energy-saving with a smile in an ideal family environment, such as a camp site.